Monday, June 20, 2005
Change the name of the My Computer icon
By modifying the registry, you can change the name of the MyComputer icon to the actual name of your computer or even acombination of your username and computer name. To do so, beginby opening Registry Editor. Next, access the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. In the details pane, double-click on the LocalizedString value. Press [Ctrl]C to copy the contents of this value. Next, openNotepad and choose Edit Paste to paste a copy of the contents of the LocalizedString value.
In Notepad, change "My Computer" to read %UserName% on %ComputerName%.
Next, copy the contents in Notepad. (Select it with your mouse and choose Edit Copy.) Switch back to Registry Editor and delete the LocalizedString value. Choose Edit Add Value. In theValue Name text box, type LocalizedString. From the Data Type dropdown list, select REG_EXPAND_SZ and click OK. In the String text box, press [Ctrl]V to paste the information from Notepad into the text box. Click OK to save your changes. You must restart your computer for this change to take effect.
In Notepad, change "My Computer" to read %UserName% on %ComputerName%.
Next, copy the contents in Notepad. (Select it with your mouse and choose Edit Copy.) Switch back to Registry Editor and delete the LocalizedString value. Choose Edit Add Value. In theValue Name text box, type LocalizedString. From the Data Type dropdown list, select REG_EXPAND_SZ and click OK. In the String text box, press [Ctrl]V to paste the information from Notepad into the text box. Click OK to save your changes. You must restart your computer for this change to take effect.